The right to vote is one of those sacred rights granted by the constitution. Here in Oregon we have a robust and inclusive voting system where every eligible voter is automatically registered to vote when you get an Oregon State ID. The vote by mail system is easy and ensures that everyone with a legal right to vote can. So why does the GOP want to take this right away? That’s right, the Oregon GOP wants to end vote by mail and take your right to vote away.

Voting by mail is proven to work, despite the lies the GOP would have you believe. In the 2020 election the GOP claimed the election was ‘stolen’ by massive voter fraud. But the truth is that, based on an Associated Press study, there were fewer than 475 cases of voter fraud, and most of those were by Republicans. Even the Heritage Foundation, certainly not a bastion of liberal thinking, found there was no evidence of any fraud that would change the outcome of the election.

So why does the GOP want to stop something that seems to work so well? You don’t need to look very far to understand the problem: When you enable all eligible voters to vote, the Democrats have a distinct advantage. That’s why in ruby red states like Texas, Georgia, Florida and others, there are serious efforts to disenfranchise voters, making it harder for them to vote. In some cases, like prohibiting people from giving water to people in voting lines in Georgia, the GOP war on voting is on full display.

So back in Oregon, the GOP wants to eliminate mail-in voting because they claim “massive voter fraud” for which there is absolutely no evidence. Once again facts don’t matter for the GOP, but they do matter. Keeping Oregon’s mail-in voting system is essential to maintaining an engaged electorate and a vote for Democrats is a vote in support of voting rights.


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